Monday, March 15, 2010

Visit to Valle de Los Caidos

snowing and freezing cold when we went to Valle de Los Caidos

This past week we have been learning about the history of Spain and its politics, especially as they relate to the Spanish Civil War and Spain under the dictatorship of Franco. On Friday we got to visit Valle de Los Caidos (Valley of the Fallen) a monument intended to commemorate all who died on both sides of the Spanish Civil War. It was also made Franco's grave when he died. It is a very interesting place as it symbolizes many different things to the Spanish. Our Spanish teacher told us a little about Valley of the Fallen in class when we mentioned we would be visiting the site. I was surprised when she told us that she has never been there and has no desire to ever go. She said she was about nine years old when Franco died and she remembered how huge the news was all over the country. Valle de Los Caidos is a controversial place bearing significance to those on both sides of the Spanish Civil War. Some really view it as a place respecting the dead, others view it as a painful reminder of the days of Franco and some see it as a place of death where prisoners of war died building a grave for Franco. Even today there are sometimes demonstrations here from all over the political spectrum. Regardless of your views, it is a serious place to respect when you are visiting. The civil war in Spain was a difficult time that tore apart many friends, families, and communities and among most Spaniards it is rarely spoken of. Our Spanish teacher explained to us too that it is a bitter subject and is typically not brought up. It is interesting to think of how much Spain must have changed since Franco's death in 1975 which is still very recent history. For Americans I think it is hard for us to grasp the concept that for some nations civil wars have just ended in the past 6 decades. This also makes me realize that we often forget some nations are still to this day experiencing civil wars. Learning about the history of this place has been a mind opening experience when comparing Spanish history to that of the U.S. I will be back later this week to share more about the Real Madrid game and even more to follow with the weekend of Las Fallas in Valencia. Ciao!

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